Home > Resources > Online Match > Match /Online Match

Match (or the Online Match) is the first phase for submitting applications, ranking and matching in the CAPIC online match process.   This year, CAPIC will hold only one online match round, which will occur after the second APPIC Match results. Students may participate in both APPIC matches and then (if unmatched) in the CAPIC match.

Info on creating and submitting applications is given on the Application Creation and Submission page.  

Registration annually opens on November 2nd and runs indefinitely on our vendor website: InternFit
Registration is the first step of the CAPIC online match process. Students should go to the Registration page for more info specific to it.

The Match Application creation process is also enabled annually on November 2nd on our vendor website: InternFit.  

Registered students may begin creating and assembling their CAPIC application materials at this time.
Info on creating and submitting applications is given on the Application Creation and Submission page.
Submission of the CAPIC Uniform Application (CUA) requires the payment of a $200 non-refundable application fee.  Students should not submit their CUA if they are not committed to participating in the CAPIC match process, since the fee is non-refundable.

The Match  Application submission process is enabled in early February.  

Students with completed application materials will then be able to submit them to specific CAPIC internship programs/tracks.

The Student Application deadline is generally a month later in early March.  

Students must submit completed applications to specific CAPIC internship programs/tracks by this deadline in order to be able to rank them online and possibly match with them.

The Interview phase then runs up until the Ranking deadline.  This is the time when students and internships evaluate each other in preparation for making their formal ranking decisions. 

    • Internships must consider any application received by the application deadline.  Internships then decide for themselves which applicants to interview and later to rank.
    • Students should wait for internships to initiate contact with them.  Internships have many applications and limited time to interview and evaluate applicants.
    • CAPIC allows students to participate in both the APPIC and CAPIC match.  Internships should consider applicants based on their merits, and should not ask whether an applicant is also participating in the APPIC match.  Students remain responsible for ensuring they do not match in both the CAPIC and APPIC match.  If a student matches through the  APPIC match, she/he must withdraw from the CAPIC match.

After the Interview phase, Online Ranking and Matching continues on our vendor website: InternFit

Match Ranking deadline is generally 3 to 4 weeks later in March. 

Match Match results will be available within a week later on the InternFit website.    

Review the annual CAPIC Online Match Schedule Summary for all relevant dates for the current CAPIC online match.

View our Ranking and Matching webpage for more info on that phase of the CAPIC online match process.

