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Student Registration  Application Creation | CAPIC Uniform Application (CUA) | Other Required Application Materials | Application Submission

The online registration, application and submission process for students is very similar to previous years.  Details are provided below. Much of the match process is also explained on the InternFit platform which students use as they navigate the match process. 

Registering for the Match

Starting on November 2, 2020, students may start registering for the annual online CAPIC 2021 Match, and creating and assembling application materials on the InternFit website.  Submission of completed application packets to internship sites/tracks of interest is then enabled later in the process (usually in February).

Registered students should click the the Login button at the top of any CAPIC webpage to login to the Student Portal page.  From there they can create their CAPIC application materials. 

Scroll down for more info on the student application Creation and Submission process.

Application Creation

Starting on November 2, 2020, students may start creating and assembling application materials for the CAPIC online match process on the InternFit website.  The InterFit landing pages (given below) do a good job of walking students through the application process, and the Sample CAPIC Uniform Application form below is also helpful.

Welcome to InternFit: https://capic.internfit.com
How InternFit Works: https://capic.internfit.com/about

Students initially use an 8-digit Invite Code on the InternFit Platform to complete their Registration.  Thereafter, Registered students should click the the Sign In button on the InternFit platform (using their email address and password) to create their application materials.  

Students who are not yet registered, must first register.  Visit the Student Registration page for more details.    

–  Students must also have their dissertation proposal accepted by their doctoral institution prior to application to a full time doctoral internship, a second halftime doctoral internship or the second year of a half-time 2-year internship.   This is verified by the DCT’s as part of their CERF verification for each student.    If a student is only applying for his/her first half-time internship, then this requirement is not applicable. 
–  If a student does not expect her/his dissertation proposal to be accepted before the student application deadline, she/he should check with her/his DCT before submitting a CUA for DCT review to determine whether she/his is likely to be ready to pursue a CAPIC internship this year. The associated application fee is non-refundable.

CAPIC Uniform Application (CUA)

The foundation of CAPIC application materials is the CAPIC Uniform Application (CUA).  Click here to view a blank template of the CUA.  
Completing the CUA online is the first step in completing the student application materials.  The CUA must be submitted (and the fee paid) before they system will allow students to upload the additional application materials listed further below.   The submission of the CUA also triggers the automatic sending out of email requests for letters of references (LOR’s) and CERF verification.  

When the student has filled out all of the required parts the CUA, she/he should then ‘Submit CUA for DCT Review’ by clicking on that link at the bottom of the Application Materials page/tab.  By submitting the CUA, students agrees that a match received through the CAPIC computer match system is binding on both the student.  It is also binding on the internship program.  If extraordinary circumstances require a student not accept the match received, in order to be released from a match contract the student must have permission from the Internship Director of Training, from her/his own doctoral program Director of Training, and from CAPIC.  The same rule applies for internship programs.

Submitting the CUA for DCT Review will open a new webpage for the student to pay the application fee online.   An application is not considered formally submitted until this fee has been paid. NOTE: CVV2 is the 3-digit security code on the back of the credit card. This application fee is non-refundable. Students should be certain they wish to continue to pursue the CAPIC match process before submitting the CUA and making the online payment.

The $200 application fee covers submissions to up to 10 internship program tracks. Application submissions beyond these 10 program tracks may be made by paying an additional $50 fee for up to 5 more submissions. Further submissions may be made, but each set of 5 additional submissions will require payment of an additional $50 fee. Please note that applications submitted to individual tracks within the same internship program are still considered separate program tracks for the purposes of counting the number of applications submitted. 

The submission of the CUA (including payment of the application fee) automatically triggers the following actions:  (a) sending a CERF verification email to the student’s DCT; (b) sending out Letter of Reference (LOR) email requests; (c) creating a link to the CUA form on the Student’s profile page; (d) creating a link to the student’s Application Materials/Credentials, where students view the status of their application materials and upload other CAPIC application materials.  (See section below for more details.)  

After being submitted, the student’s CUA will remain unlocked until the students CERF (CAPIC Eligibility and Readiness Form) has been formally verified by the DCT.  This is intended to allow the DCT and student to discuss any concerns about the submitted CUA and to allow the student to make any necessary modifications.  Students should then click on the link for the CUA at the bottom of their post-login page and make any needed corrections to the CUA.  Then, when the CERF is verified by the DCT, the student’s CUA will then be locked and no further modifications may be made to it. Any updates, clarifications or corrections to a student’s CUA after that point will need to be addressed in the student’s Cover Letter to individual CAPIC internship programs/tracks.

NOTE: The submission of a student’s CUA to CAPIC is distinct from the submission of his/her completed application materials (including the CUA) to specific internship programs/tracks by the student application deadline. Students should be careful not to confuse the two, and not to miss the hard deadlines for submitting completed application materials to specific internship programs/tracks.

Other Required Application Materials

A complete set of CAPIC internship application materials includes:

  • The CAPIC Uniform Application (CUA).  Described above.  Online payment of the application fee is required to submit the CUA.  
  • Two CUA Essays:   Essay #1 (Biographical Statement) and Essay #2 (Theoretical Orientation) 
  • Cover Letter/Letter of Interest  (At least one, although more may be uploaded. Generally a unique Cover Letter is created for each unique internship program/track of interest.
  • One Curriculum Vitae – (Only one)
  • CAPIC Eligibility and Readiness Form (CERF), verified by the student’s Training Director  (Click here for a sample CERF with guidelines)
  • Three Letters of Recommendation (At least three, although more may be obtained.  Only three are submitted with any application.)

Three additional Custom documents of the student’s choosing may also be uploaded to the student’s profile and submitted online with applications.  These are NOT cover letters, which are uploaded as a separate step when submitting completed application materials to individual internship sites/tracks and discussed further below. 

These Custom docs are not required materials, but are meant to simplify the process for students and internship programs.   Note that this is not three wholly different documents for each submission to internship programs, but three documents overall to supplement the student’s set of application materials.  For this reason, we recommend students upload common documents likely to be requested by multiple internships (e.g. transcripts, battery tests, certificates) as Custom docs. When students submit their applications online to individual programs/tracks, they will decide then which supplemental docs should be included with each submission.    

Students are responsible for checking the Application Materials page regularly to confirm that all desired items are received, and for checking with their doctoral academic program internship advisor and/or their LOR writers to remind them to submit these requested application materials to CAPIC.

Once CAPIC receives (a) both CUA Essays, (b) at least one Cover Letter; (c) one Curriculum Vita; (d) one CERF verification from the DCT; and (e) at least three letters of reference, a student’s application materials are considered complete.   Even if complete, the website will not allow students to submit applications to specific internship programs/tracks until a set date.

After students submit their CUA and pay the application fee, they will be able to select the tab titled “Submit Applications.”  This page is where students will submit their complete application materials to internships sites/tracks that they had previously marked as “Intend to Apply.”  This page is also where students upload unique cover letters for each internship site/track and selecting which LOR’s to include with a submitted application. 

Students should take the time between now and then to thoughtfully prepare their application materials and determine to which internship program/tracks to submit applications.  Because internship programs may change their participation in the match process, students should conduct another search of participating internship programs/tracks prior to submitting application materials.    

Application Submission

  After that date students will be able to go to “Submit Applications” page and select to which CAPIC member internship sites/tracks to apply.


  • Students must formally submit completed CAPIC application materials to specific internship programs/tracks via the CAPIC website.
    • Simply creating a complete set of CAPIC application materials is not enough.  They must also be submitted.
  • The “Submit Applications” page will not appear until the student has paid the application fee.  This page is also where students upload unique cover letters for each internship site/track and selecting which LOR’s to include with a submitted application.
  • Students will not be able to submit any applications until a student’s application materials are complete.  
  • If application materials are not complete and/or a student fails to submit applications before the deadline, the student will not be able to participate (i.e. rank and match) during that match phase, and will have to wait until the next one. Do not miss these deadlines.  
  • During CAPIC Clearinghouse and Post-Clearinghouse, student applications must still be submitted via the CAPIC website.
    • In Clearinghouse, no new application fee is required for existing participants.  
    • For Post-Clearinghouse there is no longer an application fee for new participants (or existing participants).

On the page for submitting applications, participating internship sites/tracks are listed on a drop-down list.  Only those site/tracks with at least one (1) open position are actively participating.   If a particular site/track is listed with zero (0) open positions, then it is NOT participating. However, because internship programs may change their participation in the match process, students should search again for desired internship sites/tracks immediately prior to submitting their applications.  

Students select which Cover Letter, Letters of Reference and Custom Docs (if any) to submit to each internship site/track.  Once the sites/tracks is selected and materials submitted, the internship will then receive a link to the student’s application materials, allowing them to be retrieved and reviewed. 

Please note, at any time students may add additional cover letters and additional references to their application materials, not just prior to the application materials being officially complete, but up until the application deadline. There is no limit to the number of cover letters.  Students may make a different choice of Cover Letter, Reference Letters and Custom docs for each internship program/track they choose, or they can have the same cover letter, references and supplemental docs sent to all internship programs/tracks to which they apply.  Again, please note that students may have only three Custom documents overall to supplement their set of application materials.

However, once application materials are sent to a specific internship program/track, a student cannot re-send any materials to that same program/track.  Applications can only be submitted once to each internship program/track, after which that specific internship program/track is removed from the dropdown list of available ones.   For example, at that point, if s student wishes an internship program that already has her/her application materials to have additional Letters of Reference (LOR’s). the student must ask the Referee(s) to send the LOR’s directly to the internship program.

Additionally, once the first set of complete application materials are submitted to an individual internship site/track, the set of three Custom documents are locked and cannot be changed or added to.  Determine and finalize your three Custom docs before you submit any applications. 

Internship perspective:  

Once application materials are submitted to a specific internship program/track, these materials will automatically be accessible to that specific internship program via the CAPIC website.  Upon logging in to the InternFit website, internships should click on the tab for Submitted Student Applications where they will find the names and application materials of those students who have submitted applications to their internship program/track.   

Internships may review application materials at any time once they are received.  Internships must consider any application received by the application deadline, but then decide for themselves which applicants to interview and later to rank.  See related info on the Interviews, Ranking and Matching webpage.

The Student Application Deadline is Midnight on February 12, 2021.
Internships must consider any application received by the application deadline, and then decide for themselves which applicants to interview and later to rank.

Online Ranking and Matching then continues on the InternFit website.   
Ranking closes at 11:59 PM on March 11, 2021 on the InternFit website
Match Results are posted at 8 am on March 18, 2021, on the InternFit website.

Clearinghouse then opens at 11:59 PM on March 19, 2021 on the Therasoft profile directory website.

After the Online Match (e.g. during Clearinghouse and Post-Clearinghouse), there are no submission deadlines, although applications must still be submitted via the CAPIC website by students to any internships of interest.     
