Home > Resources > Online Match > Clearinghouse

For unmatched students after the CAPIC online match process (e.g. after March 12, 2021), CAPIC Clearinghouse and Post-Clearinghouse are the next phases/opportunities for obtaining a CAPIC internship.  Here are the required CAPIC processes and procedures:

CAPIC Clearinghouse is the roughly 30-day period following the CAPIC Online Match for submitting applications, ranking and matching in the CAPIC online match process.   For 2021, CAPIC Clearinghouse runs from March 13, 2021 through April 22, 2021.  Post-Clearinghouse then starts on April 23, 2021 and runs indefinitely.  

For the 2021 CAPIC Match, Clearinghouse begins at 12 Noon on March 13, 2021 on the CAPIC InternFit platform.  

  • During Clearinghouse — and Post-Clearinghouse — complete student application materials are still submitted online using the CAPIC InternFit platform.  
    • Students’ previously created materials remain available and may be used for these submissions. 
    • However, the online ranking and matching process is no longer used.
    • Instead, offers and acceptances (aka matches) are conducted directly between internship programs and students.
      • Students must inform their DCT of any proposed internship arrangements, to ensure it will meet their doctoral academic program’s requirements.
      • Students must also obtain school approval before accepting any internship offers.
  • New students must register and all students must submit applications online via the CAPIC website.  These steps allow the student’s DCT to be involved in the process.
    • Students should go to the Registration page for more info specific to it.
    • Info on creating and submitting applications is given on the Application Creation and Submission page.
      • For the 30-day period of Clearinghouse, the application fee remains a requirement for newly applying students.
      • The application fee previously paid by students still covers their participation through Clearinghouse. In other words, there is no additional fee to participate in Clearinghouse.   
  • The CAPIC InternFit platform (capic.internfit.com) continues to indicate which internship programs still seeking interns. 
    • Internships who do not fill all of their open positions are automatically entered into Clearinghouse by CAPIC.
    • Internships are then responsible for updating their # of open positions on InternFit to indicate any change in participation.
      • At this phase, Internships begin to settle on their final number of interns for the upcoming year and cease to seek additional interns.  Zero “0” Openings means “no longer participating/seeking interns” and no additional applications can be submitted to that track/site.
      • Particularly during and after Clearinghouse, it is important for internships to update their info on InternFit to ensure students have an accurate list of participating programs.
  • For students, those internship programs/tracks still listed on InternFit are the ones still participating in Clearinghouse — or Post-Clearinghouse.  
  • Students must submit a normal, complete set of application materials via the CAPIC InternFit platform to sites where the student is interested in serving an internship.
  • Internship programs then contact students directly to arrange interviews and extend internship offers directly to students, as appropriate.
    • Students may also follow-up directly with internships.
    • Again, students must inform their DCT of any proposed internship arrangements, to ensure it will meet their doctoral academic program’s requirements.
      • Students must also obtain school approval before accepting any internship offers.
    • Once a Student and Internship program form an internship agreement, the internship should inform CAPIC of the internship match.
      • Please include the type of doctoral internship (e.g. Full-Time, Half-Time 1-Year, Half-Time 2-Year).
    • Students and Internship programs should also formalize their internship agreement in writing.
      • Do not send CAPIC a copy. CAPIC does not maintain this documentation, although the doctoral academic programs may need a copy.
