Home > Resources > Postdoctoral Programs

CAPIC Postdoctoral Program members are recognized by the California Board of Psychology (BoP) for the accrual of Supervised Professional Experience (SPE) hours towards licensure as a psychologist, alongside APA-accredited and APPIC-member programs.   CAPIC has adapted its postdoctoral training program membership criteria and clarifications from those of APPIC.   See CAPIC’s Postdoctoral Program Membership Criteria.

CAPIC has over two dozen Postdoctoral Programs offering Full-Time and Half-Time training experiences for licensure.  

  • Students interested in seeking a CAPIC postdoc fellowship should contact agencies directly, and should not use the CAPIC online match process.
    • The CAPIC online match process is for obtaining doctoral internships, not for postdoc fellowships.  

For the publicly accessible online profile directory of CAPIC Postdoctoral Programs, click here.  Do not use the old “login” at the top of the page, which is being phased out.

Becoming a CAPIC Postdoctoral Program Member 

CAPIC postdoctoral program members do not need to have their postdoctoral fellows register with the CA Board of Psychology (BoP) as a psychological assistant or registered psychologist.  Becoming a CAPIC postdoctoral program member allows the postdoctoral fellow to start work immediately and to skip registering with the CA BOP.

  • CAPIC postdoctoral programs provide another opportunity along the career pipeline to train the next generation of psychologists, while providing needed mental health services to our communities.CAPIC Postdoctoral Program members are recognized by the CA BoP for the accrual of Supervised Professional Experience (SPE) hours towards licensure as a psychologist, alongside APA-accredited and APPIC-member postdoctoral programs.

Annual Dues for CAPIC Postdoctoral Program members are $200.  As of 07/01/2017, CAPIC is no longer providing a discount in postdoc membership fees for also being CAPIC internship program member.

CAPIC postdoctoral programs provide another opportunity along the career pipeline to train the next generation of psychologists, while providing needed mental health services to our communities.

Steps To Make It Happen: 

  • Review the Postdoc Membership Criteria and Application Checklist for more info on becoming a CAPIC postdoctoral program member.
    • Then contact the CAPIC office to set up an online application or to ask further questions.  Thanks!
  • Complete complete this online Postdoc application/profile, similar to your current CAPIC internship program profile (EAP). 
    • This Postdoc application/profile and related materials should reflect training program at the postdoctoral level, similar to and building upon one’s current CAPIC internship program.  Various materials and info for your internship could likely also be used/modified for a postdoctoral program (e.g. due process policies, program description, CV’s due purposes, etc.).
  • The postdoc application will then be reviewed by a CAPIC board member and then reviewed and approved, as appropriate, at a quarterly CAPIC board meeting.  
  • Contact the CAPIC office if you have additional questions or concerns.  Thanks!


Match Process for CAPIC Postdoc Positions

CAPIC does not run a match process for CAPIC postdoctoral positions.  The CAPIC online match process is only for doctoral internships.  For CAPIC postdoctoral positions, interested students should search CAPIC’s online directory of Active Postdoc programs, review online profiles, and contact it directly regarding postdoc opportunities and its application process.  

To be eligible to attend a CAPIC postdoc, a student/former student must have attended a CAPIC Doctoral Academic Program or equivalent.  Click here for a list of CAPIC Doctoral Academic Program Members.  CAPIC considers any APA-accredited doctoral academic program as an equivalent (and qualified) program. 

Again, there is no online match process for CAPIC postdoc positions.  Do not use the CAPIC online match process for postdoc positions.  The application fee for the online internship match process is non-refundable.

APPIC has recently developed a Universal Psychology Postdoc Directory (UPPD) and Postdoc Selection Process which allows participation by non-APA-accredited postdoc programs (e.g. CAPIC postdocs and others).  Please visit their website and/or contact APPIC directly for more details of its Postdoc selection process and guidelines.  


Online Database for CAPIC Postdoc Program Members

CAPIC Program members are responsible for keeping their online profiles current at all times. 

CAPIC Program members must go to our online directory platform and click the “Login” button at the top of the page to log on to access your program’s online agency profile and supplemental documents.  

Of note, the “Current Training Year” listed at the top of your publicly viewable profile should be updated annually.  This field (Current Training Year) is found at the top of the 4th page/tab titled “(4) Current Postdoctoral Training Cohort.”   If this field date is not updated, your profile will look out-of-date, regardless of other updates made.   Please contact the CAPIC office for further assistance, as needed. 

APPIC has recently developed an online Postdoc directory which includes some non-APA-accredited postdoc programs (e.g. CAPIC postdocs and others). CAPIC postdoc programs are encouraged to use it to broaden their pool of applicants.   This Universal Psychology Postdoctoral Directory (UPPD) is available for use by students and programs for no charge.  Please contact APPIC directly for more details of this Directory and/or its Postdoc selection process.  


Status Changes for Existing CAPIC Postdoc Program Members

Existing CAPIC program members seeking to upgrade their program status (e.g. add a Full-Time program, add a new training site, etc.), should follow the same procedures as new applicants seeking CAPIC membership,  except (a) no application fee is required and (b) a site visit is left to the discretion of the CAPIC Board member conducting the review.  Go to the page on Joining CAPIC for more info.


Non-CAPIC Postdoctoral Training Sites/Positions

Non-CAPIC Postdoctoral positions are posted separately on the Training and Employment section as a courtesy.


Important Information for Postdocs

APA/CoA Implementing Regulations for Accreditation: Policy Statements & Implementing Regulations
American Psychological Association “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2002)”
California Department of Consumer Affairs booklet “Professional Therapy Never Includes Sex” Note: It is required, as stated in the Laws and Regulations Booklet of the CA/BoP, that this booklet be provided to all psychology trainees at the beginning of the year, and it must be documented that they have read it.



Closing Protocol for Internship or Postdoctoral Training Programs
Postdoctoral Program Membership Criteria
Supervision Agreement Form (on BoP website.  Last revised 7/14.)
Verification of Experience Form (on BoP website. Last revised 3/15.)
Laws and Regulations Related to the Practice of Psychology  (on BoP website – 2016 Edition)
Postdoctoral Program Membership Application Instructions
CAPIC Info Regarding Interns and Stipends
