Home > Board Elections

September 2020 Election Results  |  Election Process  |  2020 Election Schedule |  Officers Elected for 2019 |  CAPIC Board of Directors


September  2020 CAPIC Board Election Results:  

The June 2020 CAPIC Board Election was moved to September 2020. The Voting Closed on September 21, 2020.   Thanks to everyone who voted!!  

The following individuals were elected to the CAPIC Board:

     NoCA At Large Program Representatives:
          William Kling, Attorney & Professor
          Sandra Kenny, PhD, Antioch University, Santa Barbara, CA.
     NoCA Student/Intern Program Representative:
          Keith Bonnes, JFK University
     SoCA Intern/Student Representative:  
          Emily Morales, Pasadena City College
    SoCA Agency Program Representative:
         Nicole Brown, PsyD & Executive Director, Learning Dynamics 

Congratulations to all new and returning board members!


Click here for the full roster of the CAPIC Board of Directors 


CAPIC Board Election Process:  

The CAPIC Board is elected by its CAPIC Program Members on a rotating basis and serve 3-year* terms. (* Note:  Intern/Student reps serve only 1-year terms.) Elections for open positions are held each Spring, and with terms beginning on July 1st, the start of CAPIC’s fiscal year.

There are fourteen (14) positions on the CAPIC board, split evenly between Northern and Southern California.  These positions are for Doctoral Academic, Internship, At-Large and Intern/Student representatives.

Below are the criteria for serving on the CAPIC Board:

Criteria to serve on the CAPIC Board  (For all Board representatives)
Student Criteria to serve on the CAPIC Board  (Supplement for Student/Intern rep)

April 2020 Update:   Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our quarterly CAPIC board meetings are being held online for the foreseeable future.

Historically, the CAPIC Board has rotated its meeting location between Northern (NoCA) and Southern California (SoCA).  For meeting dates and locations, go to the Board of Directors page.

Go to the Board of Director page for more info and the full list of CAPIC Board members.

For additional information, please contact the CAPIC Office (execdirector@capic.net).  Thanks!


Nominations and Elections Schedule (Updated)

  • August 15: Formal Call for Nominations sent to CAPIC Program Members from CAPIC Office.
    • May 15 –  May 31: Nomination Period for CAPIC Board positions
    • May 31: Nomination Period closes.
  • September 12:  Board reviews any outstanding nominations and approves the slate of candidates on the election ballot
  • September 15: Election ballot for open CAPIC Board positions sent to CAPIC Program Members from CAPIC Office.
    • June 11 – 30: Election Period for CAPIC Board positions.
      • Each Active CAPIC Program Member (i.e. Doctoral Academic, Internship & Postdoctoral Programs) is authorized one vote/ballot.
      • Inactive CAPIC programs are not eligible to vote.
      • Students are not CAPIC program members and are therefore also not eligible to vote.
  • September 30:  Election period closes. CAPIC office tabulates election results.
    • early October: CAPIC Board certifies the election results.
    • mid October: CAPIC Office announces election Results.
    • Terms begin effective October 1, 2020.
    • First board meeting is in December 5, 2020.

