Home > Resources > Academic Programs > Out of State Doctoral Academic Programs

Addressing National Internship Imbalance | Qualified Doctoral Academic Programs  | CAPIC Internships class=”anchor”  | Student Participation in CAPIC Match | Attestations IRT CAPIC Differences | Associated Dues/Fees

National Internship Imbalance:
There is a national shortage of APA-accredited doctoral internship programs for psychology students.
At the same time, several CAPIC internships have found themselves with open positions after the regular CAPIC online match process has finished.

To help address this imbalance for students and our internship sites, CAPIC has invited qualified out-of-state doctoral academic programs (as well as qualified programs in California) to participate in the CAPIC online match process.  These doctoral academic programs must still meet CAPIC standards.

Qualified Doctoral Academic Programs:
CAPIC considers APA-accredited doctoral academic programs as immediately-qualified programs.   These programs and their students must still complete the attestation regarding their understanding of CAPIC internships, described further down this page.

Other regionally accredited but non-APA-accredited doctoral academic programs are also encouraged to seek CAPIC membership.  They should start by reviewing the academic program membership criteria and the standard application review process outlined on the Join CAPIC webpage.  These programs and their students must also complete the attestation regarding their understanding of CAPIC internships, described further down this page.

Interested doctoral academic programs are also encouraged to contact the CAPIC office for further clarification and/or assistance.

For a list of our current CAPIC doctoral academic program members (in-state and out-of-state associates), click here or visit the Doctoral Academic Program webpage for additional information.

CAPIC internships:
CAPIC internships are
 substantially equivalent in training and supervision to APA-accredited and APPIC-member internships. CAPIC internships are recognized alongside APA-accredited and APPIC-member internships by the California Board of Psychology (CA BoP), as a valid path to licensure, and CAPIC internships have been accepted by other state licensing boards.

CAPIC Match Participation:
Starting with the 2017 Match, students from eligible out-of-state Doctoral Academic Programs may participate in the full CAPIC online match (e.g. Match I).

  • These students must first Register with CAPIC.  This gives them full-access to the Student Portal and internship online profiles.
    • Prior to registering, these students may still search and view publicly accessible profiles of CAPIC doctoral internship programs without having to be Registered or logged in.
  • These students must also complete CAPIC application materials and submit applications via the CAPIC website to internship programs/tracks seeking interns.
    • This ensures that their school is aware of the student’s interest and is able to help ensure the internship meets the academic program’s requirements.
    • There is no student fee for Registering with CAPIC.  There is a $200 student application fee to submit up to fifteen (15) CAPIC applications and participate in the CAPIC online match.
  • More info on these steps for students are provided on the Application Creation and Submission page and related Online Match webpages.

ensure out-of-state that both students and their Doctoral Academic Programs understand  the nature and the requirements of a CAPIC internship, both must complete an attestation. 

This requirement also applies to APA-accredited programs which are not yet CAPIC doctoral program members.

Students must complete an attestation of their agreement to CAPIC policies and their understanding of CAPIC internships. Here is the link to the student attestation: http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1626175/Student-Attestation.

Out-Of-State Doctoral Academic Program clinical training directors must complete a similar attestation:   http://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/1626303/Doctoral-Attestation.

OOS Doctoral Academic Program Membership Fees:

Out-Of-State Doctoral Academic Programs must also pay a membership fee for their students to participate in the CAPIC match process.  For the first year, the membership fee is $500.  If the program’s student matches with a CAPIC internship, this annual membership fee is increased to $1,750, which is the standard membership fee for CAPIC doctoral academic program members.  This standard fee includes participation in the CAPIC match, as well as oversight of the students’ internship experience, in keeping with CAPIC and CA BoP standards.

CAPIC Doctoral Academic Program Dues Schedule Adjustment – July 2017

Please also visit the online match webpages for info on those phases of the CAPIC match process. They are listed in chronological order under Online Match on the navigation bar above.  

Click here for our initial statement on the rollout of this outreach program to students from these out-of-state doctoral academic programs in 2015.  Again, students from qualified out-of-state doctoral academic programs may participate in the full CAPIC online match process (e.g. Match I), not simply starting with Clearinghouse.
