Home > Online Modules

The CAPIC/MHSA Online Training Modules are available to the public, free of charge, and are accessible online by clicking here.  These training modules include topics central to working with clients of the public mental health system and were developed as part of CAPIC’s MHSA Intern Stipend Program using Prop 63 funds.  CAPIC/MHSA stipend recipients are required to complete all of these online modules in order to keep their stipend award.   

Each online training module consists of the  following components: 

Module Introduction 
Goals and Learning Objectives 
Reading List 
Video Introduction (5 minutes) 
Video Lecture (1 hour) 
PowerPoint Presentation of Lecture Materials 
Study Questions and Online Discussion Board 
Course Evaluation and Multiple-Choice Examination

View the Overview and Instructional Document for Using the CAPIC/MHSA Online Training Modules

List of CAPIC/MHSA Online Training Modules   

1. Recovery and Recovery Oriented Care by Susanna Friedlander, PhD
2. Homelessness & Poverty: Mental Health Needs and Treatments for the Homeless Mentally Ill by LaTonya Wood, PhD.
3. Supportive Employment as an Evidence Based Practice for the Severely and Chronically Mentally Ill by LaTonya Wood, PhD
4. Severe Mental Disorders: Treatment and Systems of Care by Haydee Montenegro, PsyD
5. Poverty, SES, Health, and Health Care: Epidemiology and the Needs of Public Mental Health Clients by Haydee Montenegro, PsyD
6. Advocacy and Public Policy in Professional Psychology by Gilbert Newman, PhD
7. Supervision in Professional Psychology by Gilbert Newman, PhD
8. Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in the Treatment of Substance Abuse by Melodie Schaefer, PsyD
9. Trauma and Substance Abuse: Considerations in Assessment and Treatment by Melodie Schaefer, PsyD
10. Substance Abuse and Working with Families: Special Consideration for Treatment by Melodie Schaefer, PsyD
11. Health & Mental Health: Assuring Needed Care to All by Linda Garcia-Shelton, PhD, MHSA, & Katrina Miller, MD
12. Evidenced Based Practice in Public Mental Health Settings by Linda Garcia-Shelton, PhD, MHSA
13. Working Effectively with Culturally Diverse Populations in the Public Mental Health System by Matthew Mock, PhD
14. Pharmacology for Clinicians: A CAPIC Workshop by Patricia Wood, PhD
15. Brief Interventions in Behavioral Health Settings by Eric Prensky, PhD

Click on the title above to be taken directly to that online module.  We recommend you first view the Overview and Instructional Document for using these CAPIC/MHSA Online Training Modules.

Continuing Education (CE) Credits:

Beyond their use as training/educational resources, each of these online training modules is approved for 2.0 hours of Continuing Education (CE) credits for California-licensed Mental Health clinicians. There is a $15 fee for processing these CE credits, which is being managed in partnership with Alliant International University. If one is not seeking CE credits, there is no CE administration fee and no cost for using these online modules. 

Regardless of whether one is seeking CE credits, we hope the knowledge gained will serve users in their professional endeavors and in the care they give their clients.

For more info on MHSA and its Workforce Education and Training (WET) component, please visit their website at: http://www.oshpd.ca.gov/HWDD/wet.html.  Additional MHSA links are available on our page for Other Professionals, under Resources.

